Procedures - Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) - Radiant Rejuvenation - Seattle
What is Abdominoplasty?
Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) is a surgical procedure aimed at the reduction of excess skin and fatty tissue from the middle and lower abdomen, and may include a tightening of midline muscles of the abdominal wall. Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) is not a procedure which can treat obesity, and should not be entered into with weight loss as the primary goal. Obese individuals are advised to seek qualified counseling by a physician and staff who offer comprehensive weight management programs. If you feel the need to lose weight, it is suggested that you do so prior to having a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty). Loss of weight after such surgery may reduce the effectiveness of such treatment.
At Radiant rejuvenation and Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Lau devotes most of his much demanded professional time and effort in vaginal cosmetic surgery to serve women worldwide. He prefers to perform only limited abdominoplasty designed to improve the aesthetics of the lower abdomen as related to the mons pubis – the mound over the pubic bone.
Alternatives to Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) Surgery
Suction assisted fat removal (liposuction) may be an effective surgical alternative to abdominoplasty providing that you do not have defects in the muscle wall (hernias, widening of the midline, etc.) or very limited amount of fat under the skin surface. Diet controls (including medical management tools) and planned exercise programs to strengthen the abdominal muscle wall may be of benefit in improved tummy wall shape and size. There are non-invasive treatment modalities such as Velashape and Thermage available at our clinic that help to reduce some amount of subcutaneous fat and tighten loose skin over the abdomen. Please consult with us regarding these options that have no down time.